Line, shape, color and light transform chard leaves into abstract art for me. How do you view the world around you? If you were to paint a picture, would you paint the sun yellow, the sky blue and the trees green? If so, you’d better take a closer look, because sometimes the sun burns a fiery orange and the sky mellows to a soft pink and trees in shadow appear blue. Be cognizant of the world around you. Take note of details. Look for beauty. And be grateful for it all.
#1 – Creative Ways with Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetable platters don’t have to be boring. Try envisioning empty platters as blank canvases waiting to be transformed into appetizing works of art. Click the link to see more ideas.
#2 – Arm Knitting
See knitting in a different light. Here’s a hands-on project (pun intended) in which you literally substitute your hands and arms for knitting needles! The technique is called arm knitting. By casting stitches on one arm and transferring them back and forth to the other arm, you can knit a chunky scarf in under 30 minutes. It’s hands down the easiest way to knit! For instruction watch the Arm Knitting for Beginners video above or go to this site sponsored by Lion Brand yarn.
#3 – Do You See What I See?
The next time you go for a walk, take your imagination along. While out and about, look at something and imagine what else it could be. That’s what Dutch illustrator Tineke Meirink does. She photographs a subject and then cleverly shows it as what she sees or imagines it to be. Check out more of her work on Bored Panda.
#4 – Seeing the World Differently
In the article Get Some Perspective: 4 Ways to See Yourself and the World Differently, the author Rebecca A. Watson states, Sometimes it takes getting farther away from something to see it for what it really is. It’s that whole forest-for-the-trees thing. The same is true when it comes to how we see ourselves. If we could each step back in times of stress, confusion, angst, uncertainty, anger, etc. and try to see the big picture, our perspective of situations might change. This particular passage resonated with me, My ego is usually the part of me that doesn’t want me to take risks and see myself for the star that I am. It wants to keep me from submitting my writing or taking that rock climbing class because if I fail, how embarrassing and horrible would that be? Not all that terrible, it turns out. How many passages in this article resonate with you?
#5 – Think Differently
“Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no-one else has thought.”
— Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi
Have a great weekend. Now go and spread joy!